Manda Ginjiro, a moneylender in Minami, is reunited by chance with Harumi, the woman who once saved his life. Harumi and her childhood friend Shimamoto had saved him from being attacked by hoodlums when he was 17 years old, when Ginjiro was busy fighting. According to Harumi, Shimamoto is active as a human rights lawyer who helps the weak...
The show features discussions and segments on the latest entertainment events such as stage plays, musicals, exhibitions, and other upcoming performances in the Kansai area. Guests provide insights and information about these events.
In this game of musical chairs with a twist, comedians must stave off elimination by outperforming their opponent in front of a discerning guest judge.
The program introduces the history of passageways, trails, or trade routes in various parts of Japan. It delves into the feelings of the predecessors hidden within those roads, the traditions that have been continuously preserved, the craftsmanship that have been passed down, and stories they want to convey to future generations.
Kamaitachi no Kijyou no Kuuronjyou is a Japanese variety show that experiments on theories to confirm whether it is true or not. After the experiment, it will be judged whether or not it is a real theory or a false theory. If the experiment succeeds, then it is no doubt a real theory.
A young man struggling to repay his scholarship was involved in the wrongdoing of the Oreore fraud group. Ginjiro Manda, a moneylender in the Minami district of Osaka, or "the demon of the Minami district" as he is called, will not tolerate a story that does not make sense.
A girl who returned to her hometown and met her childhood friend who learned to take over her family business of sun dried salt. Located in Kochi Prefecture