A reality show in which a group of seven people that each suffer from obsessive–compulsive disorder. The contestants are taken on a trip and get exposed to various challenging exercises and assignement in order to work on their mental health under guidance of several experts within the field of psychology.
David (28) moves to Berlin to live with his girlfriend, but she dumps him immediately. Unwilling to give up on his hyper-romantic expectations about friendship, love and paying rent, he decides to stay. Things don't go as planned.
Laura H, The teenager from Zoetermeer takes on a new identity in her search for herself and travels with her husband Ibrahim and two children to the caliphate in Syria. When she shows up at the border in 2016 and says she has escaped and regrets it, doubts about her motives are great. Why did Laura choose to travel to the 'Caliphate'?
Love couple Glenn and Yola are trying to build a life in Rotterdam. Although they both pursue their dreams, they find themselves stuck between their own ambitions and their criminal friends and family.
In “We gaan er allemaal aan” (PowNed, NPO 3) Valerio Zeno explores the different ways in which humanity comes to an end: a nuclear war, the eruption of a supervolcano, AI, the impact of an asteroid, climate change, a pandemic, or do aliens exterminate us? Valerio speaks leading scientists about these themes and also investigates how popular films and books, for example, thought of them.