A tough, "male" story about the fate of Seryoga Nechaev, a guy from a working-class district. It so happened that he had to take on the blame of others and go to jail instead of the dissolute son of a rich businessman. All ten long years of imprisonment, Sergey prepares himself for revenge — for himself to become one of the mighty of this world. After being released, on the way to his dream, Seryoga faces the unsightly side of business and engages in a deadly duel with criminals.
A documentary series which presents a modern look at the history of the Russian state from 1697 to 1917. Each episode covers the reign of one or several monarchs from Peter I to Nicholas II.
1989-1990. General Secretary of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachyov begins global transformations in the USSR. He passionately wants to become a star in world politics and for this he is ready to go as far as he can to meet the West. But the perestroika planned by Gorbachyov leads to fatal, irreversible consequences. Intelligence officer Alexander Nechaev finds himself at the center of an operation organized by the intelligence services of several countries. During the months spent in Berlin at the moment of the breakdown of the entire post-war world order, Nechaev changed a lot. He no longer knows who is a friend and who is a traitor, but continues to defend the honor and interests of his Motherland...
The elderly criminal authority Semyon Timofeevich Babushkin, about whose thieving talent legends were made up at the time, has not left prison for the last 35 years, preferring it to freedom, where he has no friends or relatives left.
Within one day, Alice's life changes. Her husband, prosecutor of the Leningrad region Pyotr Filippov, becomes the hero of several high-profile scandals. The reputation he had built for so long was destroyed. Now Alice must provide for the whole family herself. Years later, she returns to her legal career and begins work in the law firm of her university friend Vitaly Kalinin.
Captain Emelin, nicknamed Emelya, Captain Vasin and Dolbunov are investigating the most complicated crimes, and criminologist Masha Likhacheva helps them in this. Emelya's reputation is so-so, the head of the department, Colonel Khitruk, dislikes him for his independent character, but has to put up with him because Emelya has a good disclosure.
Continuation of the detective TV series based on the novels of Alexandra Marinina. Filmed under the novels "The Illusion of Sin", "When the Gods Laugh", "The Stylist" and "The Seventh Sacrifice". It consists of 16 series, 4 series for each novel.
"У.Е." means "условная единица" in Russian or "CU" (conventional unit) in English. A conditional unit is a euphemism used in Russia to denote a monetary amount in a foreign currency (usually US dollars) or an equivalent amount of a dollar in rubles at an official or exchange rate.
The retired 50-year-old FSB colonel at his own risk and continues to investigate the case, because of which he was sent to retirement, and is drawn into a swirl of events related to the leakage of Russian capital abroad and the fight against international terrorism.