In their final year of high school, three teens in the least promising class each grapple with personal struggles. Gao Ling, brilliant but withdrawn, is haunted by his father's arrest. Wei Yuno hides her loneliness behind a fearless façade, while Zhang Wenqi, from a single-parent household, seeks to prove her maturity by rushing into adulthood. Together, they navigate the challenges of adolescence, facing emotional scars and self-discovery.
There are many dynasties in the Yongxian Continent. In order to strengthen their bodies and prolong their lives, people here have always maintained the tradition of practicing immortality and martial arts together. Su Yu, a young man, suffered an accident at a young age and changed his name, but in return, he was reborn as a young man. He is reborn as a teenager. Foreseeing his family's imminent downfall, Su Yu decides to work hard to protect his family and relatives, and to practice the secret methods of the Immortal Sect he learned in his previous life.
A story revolving around a complicated romance between the Crown Prince of Da Xuan, the Princess of Beichu, the son of the Prime Minister and a political conspiracy brewing in the palace. Ye Qing Ge (Zhao Yu Xi) and Su Yu (Liu Ji Kai) become a married couple due to an alliance between their respective kingdoms. Upon discovering each other's secret, they begin to plot against each other oblivious to their real feelings. On one side, Ye Qing Ge's childhood friend Xie Qing Yun (Dong Zi Ming) appears and disrupts the already strained relationship between the two.
Former rebel Song Chen, inspired by his mentor, becomes a teacher dedicated to helping students overcome their struggles. Partnered with the spirited but reluctant Tan Shutong, he faces the challenges of teaching while bridging generational divides. Together with their students and peers, they embark on a journey of growth, questioning what it truly means to become the adults they hope to be.
In a future world, a new regime has been established on a distant human-inhabited planet. However, a rebellious force composed of machines rises unexpectedly and takes control of a strategically important mining town under human dominion. In order to eliminate the leader of the enemy, the commander of the Intelligence Center, Jifeng, sends his younger brother, Xinghuo, on a mission to the mining town. Unexpectedly, the mission fails, and from that point on, the two brothers find themselves being drawn into an unforeseen direction. A massive conspiracy emerges, subverting their understanding of the world, their enemies, and their comrades. As they come to their senses, the once inseparable brothers now find themselves standing on opposing sides...(Cgpt)