Footballshow in which the worldfamous freestyler Soufiane Touzane visits dutchs football players that play abroad or in the Netherlands. He plays Tiki Taka with or without the ball with the players, which results in spectaculair challenges and suprising conversations.
In 2018, Eva Jinek became a mother: the most beautiful and important role in her live. But we don't talk enough about how motherhood affects all of us, physically and mentally. It's high time to get rid of the taboos around motherhood. If only because it's a lot easier when you know you're not alone!
From Thursday, January 23, the Expedition Robinson survival fight will continue via Videoland. For the first time in years, a Flemish team will again participate in the program, which consists entirely of unknown participants. Eight Dutchmen and eight Flemish people will compete.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the end of times is near. Only through absolute dedication to the organization do they hope to survive Armageddon. They go door-to-door trying to save souls. But when things go wrong behind closed doors, those doors are shut tight. Misconduct, violence, and abuse: it must all be kept internal. And anyone who goes against the organization can lose everything.