Superstar Hair Challenge is a reality TV show on Slice Network hosted by Karen Bertelsen. Contestants must complete hair design related challenges, and a person is eliminated each week.
Zoo Diaries is a Canadian documentary television series airing on Life Network. The series documents the live of animals and people at a zoo with a record of breeding endangered species. 74 episodes have been produced since 2000 by DocuTainment Productions.
Each episode opens with a brief description of the show's contents. Events in the life of three or four animals are shown, cutting between stories every couple of minutes. Each story focuses on an animal in an interesting situation, and the zoo person responsible for handling the situation. Some situations are resolved over a number of episodes, for example, developing and performing an animal show designed to startle the audience. Topics vary from birth to death.
The series is candid about the zoo employees' behavior and opinions.
It is filmed at the Toronto Zoo in Toronto, Ontario and narrated by Vince Corazza.
Episodes 1-37 are available on DVD.
Wedding SOS is a Canadian television series shown on the Slice Network in Canada, the Fine Living network in the US, Sky Livingit in the UK and The Style Network in Australia.
The premise of each episode has a couple in over their heads planning a wedding, and brings in wedding expert Jane Dayus-Hinch to assist the couple to salvage the wedding. Dayus-Hinch is known as a fairy God-mother who grants the couple three wishes. She is also the ex-wife of former Judas Priest drummer John Hinch.