"The Great Challenge" is a celebrity outdoor inspirational experience reality show jointly launched by South Korea's MBC TV station, "Infinite Challenge", introduced by CCTV, and South Korea's MBC TV station, Canxing Production and CCTV. The program has a total of 12 episodes. The six regular hosts of the show are Sa Beining, Hua Shao, Le Jia, Sha Yi, Ruan Jingtian, and Yue Yunpeng. After the third episode, Hua Shao quit due to scheduling reasons, and Nigmaiti joined. Each episode of "The Great Challenge" has a different theme. The program goes deep into multiple domestic industries, covering hundreds of jobs, and goes into the work and life scenes of ordinary workers to complete difficult tasks and challenges together.
In the last two to three years of their poverty alleviation efforts, Han Li works with Ga Cha secretary Bao Feng to lead the party members in improving the quality of life of the masses.
Han Li has volunteered to become the first secretary of Ga Cha village only to realize upon his arrival that things are far from being as simple as he initially expected. Nonetheless, he refuses to be intimidated by the difficulties before him as he formulates a precise plan of attack and lays a solid foundation to construct a thriving industry and revitalize the beautiful countryside for the people to live in.