In August 2019, 120 hopeful teenagers embark on a journey full of hopes and dreams as they start at Klejtrup Music Boarding School. Some hope to make new friends and leave behind a history of bullying in their primary school years. Others aim to move past the heartbreak of a summer romance or simply seek new adventures far from their parents and familiar surroundings. All hope to have the experience of a lifetime together. The boarding school year gives them an opportunity to redefine who they want to be as people and be changed by the new relationships they form. They meet at a crucial point in each other's lives. Their destinies become intertwined, changing them forever.
She is one of the first and largest influencers in Denmark. She is greeted by empathy from her faithful followers for her posts about extreme events in her life and difficult emotions. She is hated by just as many for her controversial advertisements and attitudes. The question is, who is Fie Laursen really, and what drives her on the digital scene when she has repeatedly crashed to the ground - and not even a suicide attempt makes her consider dropping her digital star life? DR3 has followed Fie Laursen in the first year after her suicide attempt.