America's Heartland is a television program in the United States airing on the Public Broadcasting Service since 2005. In eight full seasons, America's Heartland reporters and crews have brought in stories from all across the United States. 172 half-hour episodes have taken viewers to 50 states, as well as faraway places like Taiwan, China, Egypt and Morocco. On the program American farmers and ranchers share their passion for hard work as well as their commitment to food safety, sustainability, environmental stewardship and animal welfare.
The program features profiles of farming and ranching families and explores trends in food production from farm to table. America's Heartland also features a "Farm to Fork" segment hosted by well-known CNet personality and blogger Sharon Vaknin. Sharon joins farmers in their own kitchens, preparing recipes with ingredients grown on that farm. Other recurring segments include "Harvesting Knowledge", highlighting the history of familiar food production, "Off the Shelf" featuring
Oregon Field Guide is a weekly television program produced by Oregon Public Broadcasting focusing on recreation, the outdoors, and environmental issues in the state of Oregon. Part of the Oregon zeitgeist, it is produced and hosted by Steve Amen. Named for the field guides used to identify plants, animals, and natural phenomenon, the wide-ranging series covers Oregon natural history, outdoor recreation, conservation, agriculture, rural life, and other local subjects. Produced with deep narratives rather than short segments, 13 half-hour and one full-hour episodes are shown per year.
Heart of the World delves into the true wonder and beauty of nature, taking us through the centuries of some of the most spectacular sights on earth - Colorado's National Parks. With stunning photography of the parks filmed throughout the seasons, these three hour-long episodes explore the geological history of each park, the forces of nature that changed them, and the people they have inspired.
Discover the thrilling story of how you were made, from the moment of conception to the moment of birth 280 days later. This breakthrough series follows the gestation process, using state-of-the-art CGI to reveal the most exquisite biological choreography found in nature. Across three episodes we chart how 100 trillion cells come together to make each of us a unique individual. The way you smile, the environments you thrive in, the color of your eyes – everything about you depends on an elaborate dance of biology that happens hidden away in the womb, all timed to precision. But by using the latest scientific research and advances in medicine, we can now reveal this hidden world in forensic detail. Zeroing in on milestones along the road to creation – where critical events in your miraculous assembly can change your life forever.
Two thousand years ago, in the Roman province of Judea, Jesus was crucified by imperial troops. Thousands before him had suffered the same fate. But unlike his predecessors on the cross, Jesus did not disappear from history. Instead, his memory was kept alive by a small band of Jews - men and women who held fast to their conviction that Jesus was the Messiah.
A fresh look at humankind’s relationship to the planet’s wildest places and most fascinating species.
Using advanced filming techniques, this series will provide visuals as stunning as the best natural history programs. Distinguishing itself from nearly all other nature films, however, the series turns the cameras around, showing the world as it really is—with humans in the picture.
A landmark four-part series exploring segregation from the end of the civil war to the dawn of the modern civil rights movement. Lynchings and beatings by night. Demeaning treatment by day. And a life of crushing subordination for Southern blacks that was maintained by white supremacist laws and customs known as "Jim Crow." It was a brutal and oppressive era in American history, but during this time, large numbers of African Americans and a corps of influential black leaders bravely fought against the status quo, amazingly acquiring for African Americans the opportunities of education, business, land ownership, and a true spirit of community.
Project Fire is a new and insightful exploration of how we grill today and how we will grill and smoke tomorrow. Innovators of live fire cooking join Steven to share revolutionary new techniques that will elevate the backyard barbecue experience.
Appalachia: A History of Mountains and People is a four-part American documentary television series that premiered April 9, 2009, on PBS. The series explores the natural and human history of the Appalachian Mountains region.
Earth Revealed: Introductory Geology is a 26-part video instructional series covering the processes and properties of the physical Earth, with particular attention given to the scientific theories underlying the geological principles. The telecourse was produced by Intelecom and the Southern California Consortium, funded by the Annenberg/CPB Project, and first aired on PBS in 1992. All 26 episodes are hosted by Dr. James L. Sadd, professor Environmental Science at Occidental College in Los Angeles.
On the Battlefields of the World Wars: Since its invention at the start of the 20th century, the tank has served as a symbol of political power as well as military strength. These huge vehicles have long since found their way into global culture - whether as a monument, in films or on billboards. Tanks have made history and have themselves become part of the story.
Journey with the people and animals of Australia’s Kimberley region in North West Australia: a vast, rugged and remote wilderness, bursting with character.
Explore the science and medical innovations that conquered some of the world's deadliest diseases and doubled life expectations for many across the globe.
Race: The Power of an Illusion was a three-part series that was produced by California Newsreel and investigated race in society, science and history. The educational documentary originally screened on PBS and was primarily funded by CPD, the Ford Foundation and PBS.
The British Royal Family and the tabloid press have had a long and complicated relationship. THE PALACE AND THE PRESS provides a fresh look at the biggest Royal stories of the last 60 years, told through their sensational royal scoops, iconic pictures and most memorable front pages.
This four-part documentary series, reveals a little-known truth: that public health saved your life today and you probably don’t even know it. But while public health makes modern life possible, the work itself is often underfunded, undervalued, and misunderstood.