The detective couple, Zhang Zi Yuan and Molly Yang, inadvertently get involved in a ghostly haunting incident. They delve deep into the tiger's den, engaging in a series of battles with the mastermind behind it all. Unraveling layers of mysteries, they ultimately uncover the truth behind the ghostly haunting...
In his past life, Gu Yuchen was a scholar exiled to Quanzhou, where he fell in love with a fisherwoman who sacrificed her life to save him. Five hundred years later, Qin Qing arrives in Quanzhou for work, where she meets Gu Yuchen and is moved by his love. Despite numerous challenges, the two overcome obstacles and form a lasting bond that transcends time and death.
Three mothers—Yang Liu, Xu Yuejuan, and Jiang Danhua—each impose their own ambitions on their children, leading to strained marriages and children struggling under immense pressure. Yang Liu pushes her son relentlessly, Xu Yuejuan neglects her children's education while focusing on her husband, and Jiang Danhua forces her son into a path he isn’t suited for, resulting in depression. As their families begin to unravel, the mothers finally confront the damage they've caused, learning to reconcile with themselves and grow alongside their children.
Set in the republican era, it revolves around the Jiu Long Uniform Embroidered Guards who unravel shocking cases, and discover the secret within the Nine Palace Treasure which is the catalyst to a huge conspiracy.
Genius engineer Chen Xiao, betrayed by a former partner and grieving his mother’s loss, finds support from headhunter Shen Nuo. Together, they embark on a journey to build a startup, uniting with an old ally to challenge Western dominance in artificial intelligence.
Hua Zhuyu, a woman disguised as a man and a skilled warrior, is betrothed to Feng Junli, a prominent young noble of the Southern Dynasty. However, on her wedding night, her family's fall from grace forces Zhuyu to partner with Feng Junli as she navigates treacherous court politics and mysterious events. Together, they face challenges, united in their quest for justice and love.
Liu Rusi has a gentle and cowardly personality, because she doesn't want to marry Mo Xuanyu, her father's designated marriage partner, she disguises herself as a man and goes to a tavern to drink away her sorrows. By chance, she met Baili Qingxuan, Lord Xun, who had just been hunted down by the man in black. After drinking, Liu Rusi's temperament changed drastically.
Ruan Yu and Teng Yi meet at a turning point in their lives, forming a brief but deep connection that is abruptly cut short. Years later, as they reunite and face their own struggles, they must confront their past and decide if their love can withstand the test of time.