In this period drama series, the young, unexperienced Catholic priest Erik Odekerke -who keeps a diary, and is once described as a (pastoral) 'sheperd dog', gets his first assignment, as kapelaan -literally 'chaplain', but in Dutch still in assistant to the parish's curate- in a mining town in Dutch Limburg.
Jeugdjournaal is a Dutch television news programme produced by the Dutch public service broadcaster NOS for children. The programme has been broadcast since 1981.
The aim of Jeugdjournaal is to present news that is both of interest and understanding to young viewers, without shying away from the main national and international news headlines. The broadcasts are viewed extensively by older viewers; about one-sixth of the programme's viewership are adults.
Jeugdjournaal is involved in setting up similar shows in several countries where neutral news broadcasts are scarce.
A main evening programme airs at 6:45pm, running for 15 minutes every night on Nederland 3. A 5-minute update also airs on weekdays at 4:25pm. The short afternoon updates and a weekly compilation programme are broadcast on the international Dutch-language television station, BVN.
A chronicle of the tempestuous campaign trail rivalry between Labour Party leader Ad Melkert and flamboyant newcomer Pim Fortuyn, as they go head-to-head leading up to the Netherlands’ 2002 general elections.
Yvon Jaspers dives into farm life. She again visits old Farmer seeks Woman participants and other farmers to experience what it really is like to run an agricultural company in these turbulent times. What are the dilemmas of the modern farmer? What risks do you take as a farmer and when do you do it right? Are they living their dream or is it more like a nightmare?
The Story of the Netherlands tells the story of the country we live in, from the moment the first inhabitants settled there. Never before has our history, and how it has made us who we are today, been made tangible in this way. The project consists of a 10-part television series for NPO 1, with Daan Schuurmans as narrator.