Children's tale that follows the adventures of Sien, a tough and down-to-earth girl who lives on a traditional farm on the country side: In a big family, with lots of animals and lots of free space.
Self-proclaimed omnivore and culinary journalist Joël Broekaert takes the viewer along in an adventurous research into the world and the history behind the five basic tastes. Joël devotes his life to everything that has to do with food, and everything related to taste. But what are sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami exactly? Why do those flavors exist? Why are we tasting them? Why are we always looking for sweets, why did we start to eat bitterly and why was salt so scarce in the past?
Kootje de Beer has sold his café Schaep met de 5 Pooten. It was time for a new challenge. Kootje started a camping at the North Sea: 't Vrije Schaep. His friend Lukas moves along with him and his regular clients don't let him down. But, where is Door? Without her, nothing is the same...
In the eight-part drama series 'Elixir', Isabelle Rombauts is unexpectedly appointed CEO of the family business Rombauts Pharma, an important player on the international pharmaceutical market.
She soon encounters the consequences of serious mismanagement by her father and brother. And she is faced with a devilish dilemma: should she follow her own conscience? Or the interests of her influential family?
Every day we are inundated with information. Can facts still be distinguished from fables? With a nod to today's 'do your own research' internet culture, Marijn, Joep and Tim invent their own experiments, of which they are part. They have one goal: to find out the truth once and for all.
In 2023, almost all of Johannes Vermeer's paintings will come to the Rijksmuseum for the biggest Vermeer exhibition ever. However, six of his paintings have disappeared. Creatives and artists are bringing these missing works to life.
Why does everyone - left and right, rich and poor, young and old - love Dolly Parton? During a road trip through the American state of Tennessee, Ilse DeLange and Frank Evenblij go in search of the answer to this question.