Release the Hounds is a British television game show broadcast on ITV2 from October 2013 to February 2018. The show, hosted first by Reggie Yates and later by Matt Edmondson, culminates in the participants attempting to complete scary gruesome challenges in order to find keys to unlock chests containing money and then being chased by dogs in the hope of escaping and winning the cash prize.
In this five-part reality event series, 11 British strangers are shocked to discover they are not going on a fun new reality show called “Summer Camp’” but actually participating in a horror whodunnit. Each night someone will be ‘murdered’ – and they must determine who the secret murderer is amongst them.
This two-part documentary tells in full the case of an online date that ended in an appalling tragedy and led to an international manhunt. Jack Shepherd, 28, met Charlotte Brown, 24 for the first and only time on December 8th, 2015. Jack wined and dined Charlotte at the Shard before offering her a ride on his speedboat on the Thames. Hours later, Charlotte's body was lifted from the water. A post-mortem ruled she died from cold water immersion. Jack Shepherd was unharmed.
The Fashion Show is a British television programme which debuted on ITV2 on 11 September 2008. The programme was originally titled The Fashion Project.
The show originally aired at 8pm on ITV2 as part of XXL Thursday, the show was moved to an earlier 7pm slot for episodes 4-8 to accommodate CelebAir which was moved due to poor ratings, the show returned to its original 8pm slot for the final 2 episodes.
Each week, the show follows two different sets of young friends in Kavos. The hotel rigged cameras to film every aspect of their holiday in a Big Brother-style of filming.
Chef Raymond Blanc OBE invites viewers to take a glimpse behind the scenes at some of the gardens in the nation’s most spectacular royal palaces.
In this brand-new ten-part series, multi-award-winning chef and author Raymond will travel the length and breadth of the UK, and visit five of the nation’s most incredible kitchen gardens.
His Majesty King Charles III has long championed the kitchen garden and the importance of growing sustainable, seasonal food. His very personal interests in gardening, sustainability and delicious outdoor larders has led to the creation of breathtaking spaces in the grounds of the Royal households.
Raymond will meet the dedicated people who care for these unique spaces and celebrate the extraordinary edible treasures they produce, with their chefs who use them every day.
Inspired by his travels, Raymond will also share mouth-watering recipes of his own, all fit for a king.
Celebrity Showmance sees six single celebrities paired into three very unlikely ‘couples’ who go to hilarious lengths to convince the public that they’re in a real, romantic relationship.
Jedward: Let Loose is a three-part television series, following the Irish pop duo, Jedward, after their time spent on the sixth series of The X Factor, and the rise in fame they experienced. The fly-on-the-wall series also follows their lives as they produce and release their debut album and launch themselves into the fashion world.
The first series aired from Tuesday 24 August 2010, on ITV2. Jedward's road manager Liam McKenna, confirmed that there were plans to do another series of Let Loose. However it is rumoured that these plans have now been scrapped, and the series cancelled.
Established and up-and-coming stand-up comedians perform a surreal reconstruction of their own material. In each sketch the comedian plays the role they were born to play - themselves
Love Island 2022 winners Ekin-Su and Davide take off on two trips of a lifetime to their home countries of Italy and Turkey. Watch them indulge in local cuisine and culture.
He's known for his quirky catchphrases, flamboyant fashion, and ridiculing famous faces on the award winning Celebrity Juice - but tonight Keith Lemon is going back to his sketch show roots, sending up celebrities in his brand new programme The Keith Lemon Sketch Show. With impersonated celebrities such as our very own Phillip and Holly and Eamonn and Ruth, plus Ant & Dec and Jonathan Ross, is there anyone Keith won't tease? Let's find out!
An unfiltered and uncensored new observational documentary following the outrageous Bradford-based rap trio who shot to stardom after becoming viral sensations.
CelebAbility arrives on ITV2, a brand new physical comedy entertainment show hosted by comedian Iain Sterling. This new show will feature a group of 5 friends who will go head to head with 5 celebrities in a series of hilarious rounds.
Hosted by Katherine Ryan the series which follows a single girl in the search for her perfect partner, as twelve male suitors compete for her affections and the chance to win a big money prize. But in a mischievous twist, not all the boys are single, with a number of them being guided by their partners in pursuit of the prize. Taking up residence in a luxurious house, the single girl will get to know all the boys through activities, games and dates, eliminating each boy one-by-one until her ‘dream man’ remains. Which boy will be left standing? Can she suss out who is the real deal? They may not all be single, but they’re all Ready to Mingle.
The Exclusives is a show that first aired on ITV2 on 17 May 2012. The show follows six aspiring journalists, Hayley, Stuart, Sunny, Felix, Ellie and Christopher, competing to win their dream job with one of Britain's most famous magazines.
On 23 August 2012, it was confirmed that The Exclusives had been axed by ITV2.