The Movie Show on ITV2 is a weekly British television film review show on ITV2, presented by James King. The show is a new format produced by R 'n' R Limited and commissioned by ITV2.
The series looks at the latest weekly film releases in the UK and each programme includes a film premiere and red carpet interviews from the west end of London, movie features and movie previews including interviews with all the stars and directors of the latest releases.
Also included in the programmes are the latest DVD, Download and Blu-ray releases, UK top 5 box office chart and James King's review of the big film releases, movie gossip and news.
Office Monkey was a British Hidden Camera Comedy programme that aired on ITV2 for 2 series.
Series 1 was presented by Steve Jones and series 2 was Voiced over by Steve McKenna.
Each episode two people are challenged to perform silly comic dares in an office of unsuspecting people recorded by hidden cameras. The only one in the joke is the managing director, who after watching our office monkeys perform decides which of them wins a lovely holiday and the right to be called Office Monkey.
Soap Fever is a British television Entertainment programme on ITV2 presented by Liza Tarbuck, Denise Welch, Emma Kennedy, Jordan Davies Jenny Powell and towards the end of its run Fiona Phillips and Penny Smith.
Each week the show would feature soap recaps and previews, news, competitions plus each week an exclusive interview with a top soap star or stars.
The show was broadcast on Sunday nights usually at 6:30pm.It was written by Karl Lucas who also co-starred on the show and presented features.
Lip Service was a programme broadcast in the UK on ITV2.
Holly Willoughby, of ITV's Dancing on Ice, and Spencer Brown take a look at the best, weirdest and funniest bits from celebrity chat shows around the world.
The show was broadcast on Friday nights.