The first part of the story begins when Juan's little daughter (Ethan Wayne), María Bonangelo (Grecia Colmenares), is adopted by the wealthy family of Encarnación and Manuel Olazábal, after the death of their biological mother, Amalia (Amanda Sandrelli ). María receives the last name of her new family, as well as two adoptive relatives: her sister Victoria (Viviana Saccone) and her aunt Asunción (Luisa Kuliok). The girls Victoria and María grow up as true sisters in a family ranch: "La Esperanza", until they arrive in the city of Santa María with their parents at approximately 20 years of age.
The series narrates the life of Milagros Vega (Viviana Saccone), an image consultant, publicist and political consultant who needs to reposition herself on the political scene in Argentina, after having promoted a controversial political campaign that ended in the suicide of a candidate who He was the rival of his client, so now he has a new opportunity to redeem himself when he is summoned to launch the candidacy for president of the deputy Andrés Quiroga (Osmar Nuñez), who has a low profile, is not known and lacks charisma, therefore which, Milagros will use all her tools to operate and turn Quiroga into an interesting and recognized figure at any cost.
Romeo y Julieta is an Argentine soap opera based on the play Argentina Original eponymous William Shakespeare, starring Brenda Gandini and Elias Viñoles modern and set the current time. Despite the little success fiction young actors announced today as Brenda Gandini force, Benjamin Amadeo, Maria del Cerro, Elijah Viñoles, Coco Maggio, and Dolores Inés Palombo Sarmiento. It premiered on March 14, 2007 on Channel 9.