Survivor India is the Indian version of the Survivor franchise, which was originally based from the show, Expedition Robinson created in 1997 by Charlie Parsons. The series premiered on January 6, 2012 on Star Plus. The show is currently hosted by Sameer Kochhar. The show is produced by Miditech Pvt. Ltd. and is aired on weekend nights. Like many of its counterparts, the show has a set number of contestants stranded on an isolated area for a pre-determined number of days until one remains and is given the title Sole Survivor. Aside from the title, the winner also receives 1 crore.
Kabhie Kabhie is an Indian television drama directed by Mahesh Bhatt and written by Anurag Kashyap, Akash Khurana and Vinta Nanda; Anil Sharma directed 25 episodes of the series.
The series was produced by Amit Khanna's Plus Channel and was telecast on Star Plus.
Kumkum marries Jatin, the grandson of the Wadhwa family. Soon after their marriage, Jatin dies of brain tumour. Worried about Kumkum's future, the family decides to get her married again.
Actress Kamini Mathur is an ordinary girl at heart, looking for true love and then she meets Madhav Singh Ranawat, a Rajasthani prince! Surrounded by powerful enemies, will these star-crossed lovers find a way to be together?
Sanjivani: A Medical Boon is an Indian medical drama television series that aired on Star Plus from 2002 to 2005. It is touted as the first Indian medical drama.A sequel series Dill Mill Gaye premiered on 2007 on Star One. A reboot version named Sanjivani premiered on Star Plus in 12 August 2019
Khori and Riddhiman are worlds apart! But destined to be together, their lives get intertwined by a marriage alliance, and a new saga of romance begins.
After the death of her father, Amaya Mathur's family faces financial problems and they move to Varanasi from Paris. There, Amaya meets Rafi and soon, the two fall in love.
Siski is a weekly television drama series by Neena Gupta which ran on Star Plus in 2000. The drama was broadcast once a week with episodes approximately 30 minutes long.
Maryada: Lekin Kab Tak? is an Indian family drama that aired on 18 October 2010, on STAR Plus. Set in the state of Haryana, the show focuses on the challenges faced by Uttara and the trials she faces to find true love and equality among her peers. The show is produced by Tony and Deeya Singh of DJ’s a Creative Unit. The show was due to end on 25 January 2012 and be replaced by Sajda Tere Pyaar Mein on the 11:00 p.m. slot. This was changed later, with Sajda Tere Pyaar Mein replacing Navya on the 10:00 p.m. slot instead. Navya, in turn, moved to the 6:00 p.m. slot.
Saarrthi is a Hindi television drama broadcast on STAR Plus and produced by Neela Telefilms. It aired from November 9, 2004 to February 15, 2008 and contained 679 episodes. It aired every Monday–Thursday at 2:30 pm IST on STAR Plus channel and eventually started airing every Monday–Friday in August 2007. The story is a reworking of the Hindu epic, the Mahabharata, detailing the conflict between two brothers and their families in contemporary India.
Bhabhi is an Indian Hindi language soap opera that premiered on March 18, 2002 on STAR Plus. The series was produced by one of India's popular production house, UTV Software Communications, also known as UTV. It has ended on STAR Plus but is currently re-aired on TV Asia channel in USA.
Star Voice of India was an Indian Television singing competition that premiered on 18 May 2007 and ended on 24 November 2007. It was the first Indian singing competition produced by STAR Plus. The show was directed by Gajendra Singh, creator of the famous Sa Re Ga Ma Pa series. It also featured judges that were on the Sa Re Ga Ma Pa series, Aadesh Shrivastava, Abhijeet Bhattacharya, Alka Yagnik, Lalit Pandit and Jatin Pandit. Shaan, who had previously been hosting Sa Re Ga Ma Pa. The winner of the show was Ishmeet Singh Sodhi.
Kyun Hota Hai Pyarrr is a Hindi TV serial that was first aired on STAR Plus channel, but currently it reruns from the beginning on STAR Utsav. It was also aired in New Zealand on Triangle TV. The series aired every Thursday at 8pm IST on STAR Plus channel when it was first launched. It starred Amit Sadh and Riva Bubber in the lead roles.