A seemingly ordinary traffic accident led to multiple forces being involved. While everyone rushed to investigate the truth a series of unexpected situations broke out. The crisis hidden behind the unsettled case exceeded everybody's imagination...When human beings are busy exploring their limits, they are not aware of standing at the crossroads of evolution once again, and a magnificent Big Era began...
A lost form of magic is revived from the Eastern Han dynasty, meanwhile, dangerous man eating monsters lurk the streets. What will stop these beasts from their mindless terror?
This story tells the tale of a boy's life in Tokyo for 20 years. Shota attended a famous private university in Tokyo. After he learned that his girlfriend was cheating on him with rich older men, he said "Woman only care about money after all", and swore to raise his status in Tokyo. After graduating, Shota found a job at a leading trading company and lived a life with no shortage of money and love. However, his values gradually change throughout his fight for success with his co-worker Kojima and his relationship with Minami, who wants to marry a man with an annual income of more than 30 million. It wasn't until Shota reunited with his classmate, Kazuma, a CEO of a venture company, and his subordinate, Ruriko, that he starts to find new meaning to his life...
An Lin, is an orphan who lost his mother in a car accident and his father due to a gambling debt.
While celebrating his 18th birthday, an old man breaks into his apartment and takes him to the spiritual world.
Giving him, the War God System.
Duan Jiaze inherited a private zoo and was forced to sign a contract after his graduation. And from that day onwards the first ever age classified Luya zoo appeared, those aged under 21 are prohibited to enter.
Four young teenage boys share a common vision and passion for music. They come together overlapping their own personalities and ideas. In the process, they encounter a lot of difficulties as any youth might have. The story is unfolded as the band grows up. Academic, personal conflicts, family, friendship and emotional problems are all intertwined. With the help of teachers, students, and friends they try to achieve their dreams.
A story that takes place at the Shanghai Bund during the 1930's. It revolves around a man from a clan of magicians who treads on a path of patriotism after starting on a road to avenge his father's death.
Ye Fei's father Ye Jin is the head of the Jin Rong troupe which is home to generations of great magicians. After challenging and winning against a German magician, Ye Jin Rong is ostracized by other troupes and dies from despair. Driven by the desire to take revenge, Ye Fei travels North to come under the tutelage of a famous school.
After completing his training, Ye Fei goes to Shanghai where he meets Xiao Yao, the daughter of a ganglord, and she becomes enamored with him. War erupts at this time, putting their story of love and revenge aside as they are pulled into a fight for their country.
Suddenly, Fei Xingkong and Si Rui discovered that they were confined to a comic book cage. Their desire was to return to the real world. But in the world of stories that never stops changing, they were forced to escape the total control of the "author"...
There are Western Continent and Eastern Continent in another world. The northern part of the Western Continent is inhabited by mysterious Snow Mountain tribes, while the southern part is occupied by the Great Qin Empire. The Magic is the source of energy in the world. By the power of the Magic, the Great Qin Empire defeated countless enemies, overcome disasters and established a prosperous civilized world. Now a young boy with special power from the north began a practice against the magic in the Southern Continent.