A seasoned Hunan TV executive, after years of dedication, suddenly wakes up in 2024 as a fresh-faced intern at Mango TV, now known as Ma Nong. With modern internet technology posing new challenges, he must reinvent himself from the ground up. Teaming up with Dai Ma, a tech-savvy prodigy and top student at Qingmang, they tackle product and tech obstacles together, striving to secure a prestigious job offer in this dynamic, cross-generational workplace adventure.
Neurosurgeon Liu Ziyi faces heartbreak when her fiancé is unexpectedly admitted to her hospital, prompting her to end their relationship gracefully. At the same time, cardiologist Qin Wenbin, known for his optimistic and easygoing nature, faces marital struggles despite his thriving career, leaving him at a crossroads in life.
After a painful breakup and bankruptcy, the proud and wealthy Cui Jiayan decides to take over her father's job placement agency. As a rookie recruiter, she recruits a top headhunter, Lu Li, to serve as her strategist. However, Lu Li has ulterior motives for leaving a large company to work at Cui Jiayan's small agency.
Food blogger Lin Xiaoxi visits Qingxi Village and unexpectedly meets Lu Yichen, a tech-savvy farmer with no cooking skills. Together, they revive the Qingxi Inn, sparking a delightful romance.
A dedicated female talent manager in the entertainment industry is determined to make a boy band successful. Amid a series of humorous and outrageous events, she forms genuine connections with those around her, showcasing the struggles and personal growth behind the glitz and glamour of fame