Small Potatoes is a British animated entertainment short series aimed at pre-school children. It features a group of four potatoes who sing songs together about different subjects. The series is written and directed by Josh Selig, creator of Wonder Pets and 3rd & Bird. The "Small Potatoes" is currently airing on CBeebies in the UK, ABC 4 Kids in Australia and on the Disney Junior channel in the USA.
Nuzzle and Scratch is a British children's television programme, shown on CBeebies.
It stars two eponymous puppet alpacas created and developed by Barry Quinn and Alan Robinson and written by various writers.
Short mixed-media films about Melody, a partially-sighted girl with an incredible imagination who visualizes stories and characters conjured up by classical music.
Join Dodge at Pup School, a place full of mishaps and mayhem! Watch as Dodge and his pup pals turn school days into adventures with singing, silliness and occasional squeaky toys.
A thousand years ago in the wild lands of the North lived a special little girl, Gudrun The Viking Princess. The trees and animals of the forest were her friends and playmates.
I Can Cook is a Children's television series broadcast on the BBC Cbeebies digital channel. It is presented by Katy Ashworth who demonstrates how to prepare and cook simple dishes while entertaining with songs.
Each show focuses on the creation of one dish, either savoury or sweet. As the programme is aimed at children the dishes are simple to prepare. Some dishes, such as the grape pizza, offer alternatives to traditional dishes.
As well as encouraging children to cook, the show encompases wider elements of food education; it uses cutaway scenes to show Ashworth in outside locations explaining the process of cultivating and growing a key ingredient in the show's dish.
The everyday tasks and problems encountered when raising your first pet. Chloe, an energetic seven-year-old, looks after her troublesome pet triceratops, Topsy.
Little Charley Bear is an enchanting CGI infant series about an imaginative and playful bear called Charley. Under the watchful eye of his friend, the Narrator, this adorable little bear uses his imagination to play and go on adventures where he discovers new things about himself and the world around him through active role play.
Motorbike rider Grace is in the driving seat as she introduces the pre-school audience to some of the biggest, fastest and most amazing machines in the world.
Follow the adventures of two young brothers whose Mum is Indian by heritage and Dad is English. With both Indian and English grandparents, their life is a rich blend of customs, traditions, festivals, foods and music.
Tommy Zoom is a children's animated television series, shown regularly on CBeebies in the UK. It started out as a feature on the CBeebies website, but proved so popular it was made into the television show.
The Abadas are enjoying a game of ball at the beach when the wind blows the ball away! The day's word is able to seek. What could it be?... The day's word is able to seek out things that can't be seen.