Little Charley Bear is an enchanting CGI infant series about an imaginative and playful bear called Charley. Under the watchful eye of his friend, the Narrator, this adorable little bear uses his imagination to play and go on adventures where he discovers new things about himself and the world around him through active role play.
I Can Cook is a Children's television series broadcast on the BBC Cbeebies digital channel. It is presented by Katy Ashworth who demonstrates how to prepare and cook simple dishes while entertaining with songs.
Each show focuses on the creation of one dish, either savoury or sweet. As the programme is aimed at children the dishes are simple to prepare. Some dishes, such as the grape pizza, offer alternatives to traditional dishes.
As well as encouraging children to cook, the show encompases wider elements of food education; it uses cutaway scenes to show Ashworth in outside locations explaining the process of cultivating and growing a key ingredient in the show's dish.
The Abadas are enjoying a game of ball at the beach when the wind blows the ball away! The day's word is able to seek. What could it be?... The day's word is able to seek out things that can't be seen.
Join Dodge at Pup School, a place full of mishaps and mayhem! Watch as Dodge and his pup pals turn school days into adventures with singing, silliness and occasional squeaky toys.
Tinpo is an irresistible, fun and funny take on classic themes of construction and problem-solving" (Jackie Edwards, Head of BBC Children's Acquisitions and Animation). A group of "Po"s investigate issues in the construction of their town (mountains in the way of getting to the theme park, plants between tall buildings not getting enough sun) and come up with solutions to how to rebuild parts of the town and solve the problems.
In a brand new series, Mister Maker will be packing up his Marvellous Maker Case to embark on a global journey of arty adventures in Mister Maker Around The World. Travelling to all four corners of the globe from Sydney to Hong Kong, Cape Town to Rio and right across the UK, Mister Maker will visit children to learn about art in their countries and to make new projects with them, inspired by their local cultures.
CBeebies' very own rally driver, Catie, is in the driving seat of some amazing machines as she introduces pre-school audiences to some of the biggest and fastest machines in the world!
Combining traditional crafts and creative child-led makes, Junk Rescue makes sustainability fun, showing how the things we throw away can be turned into something useful.
The Lingo Show is a British flash animated children's television series created by Nicole Seymour, produced by the BBC and animated by Dinamo Productions for BBC's CBeebies channel and programming block. The characters and many other elements were designed by Kate Sullivan. The show, which combines flash animation with live action footage, is designed to introduce pre-school children to new languages. The series, which initially began as an interactive minisite on the CBeebies website, began airing on CBeebies from March 12, 2012.
The Story Makers was a children's television programme broadcast on the BBC's pre-school digital television network, CBeebies. The Story Makers is set in a children’s library, and encourages literacy and creativity.