Baal Veer is an Indian children's television series on SAB TV. It aired on 8 October 2012. The show is created by Vipul D. Shah and Sanjiv Sharma, written by Amit Senchoudhary and directed by Sanjay Satvase. The show completed 200 episodes on 28 June 2013.
This is story of a daughter who is determined to fulfil her duties towards her father indefinitely. A contemporary family drama, the show also promises to be a heartwarming journey of a daughter with ...
Madam Sir is a upcoming television serial which will be aired on Sony SAB. Yukti Kapoor, Bhavika sharma, Gulki Joshi and Sonali Pandit Naik will be seen playing lead roles in this show. The show is being produced by Jai Production Pvt Ltd.
Dharampal Thakur lives with his twin daughters Garima and Susheela and owns a haircutting salon. However, things change when the daughters decide to run their father's business.
A half an hour Monday to Saturday daily strip that promises to be the first & only late-night family viewing show. The show is hosted by Amit Tandon the pioneer of the Indian Stand up Comedy scene who is known for his observational humour and constant jibes at himself, his family & the routine day to day life. The cohost is ever so charming Jiya Shankar who has played several roles in daily soaps & is a popular household name. The hosts will present 3 stand up comics in each episode that will entertain the audiences so that their day ends on a happy note. All in all this stage is going to be a happy place which you must visit before you can fall asleep with a smile on your face.