Dancougar Nova - Super God Beast Armor is a Super Robot anime television series, produced by Ashi Productions and directed by Masami Ōbari, who was also in charge of mechanical design. The series is supposedly a follow-up of its predecessor, Dancougar - Super Beast Machine God, but became a spiritual sequel to Gravion. The series premiered across Japan on the Japanese CS television network Animax on 15 February 2007, spanning a total of 12 episodes.
In a ruined future Nerima, a photon energy disaster is said to have devastated the area. No one knows whether that is true or not, and details are hard to come by. All that is left is the photon research facility tower that stands as a monument at the center of the devastation. Z-chan and Gre-chan live together in the Shutter District, which spreads from the base of the tower. Their home is made from salvaged materials that they have named Photon House. The advanced photon energy that flowed through the place is now gone, and the world is now ruled by the Getter Rays that rain down from space. But even now, Z-chan and Gre-chan use the highly efficient photon energy to power their home.
Seven shooting stars from a distant galaxy have fallen to the Earth. Each of them has one of the rainbow colors and tremendous powers. Doctor Kishida and doctor Mishina got three of them, red, blue and green, in secret. After a long research, they control their powers using a helmet known as "Musumet". These helmets have special functions: they amplify their user's strenght and give him super powers. The two scientists create the secret organization "MET" to use the Musumet's power for world peace and protect the Earth from any posible damage caused by the remaining four stars. However, doctor Mishina and his wife die and their three daughters, Aoi, Midori and Kurenai make the decision to be the Musumets. The three sisters have to battle for the world peace, while the deal with common teenagers problems, like school, love or the three rich arrogant and plastic sisters Marcia, Kou and Shion Saotome.
Pix, Nerd, Mary and Hack are the sworn protectors of the Internet and the ASCII art-inspired world they live in. The four work together as they fight against the nefarious Dr. Ping and his feline assistant Katslock.
A young man passes a pet shop on his way home, and seeing a kappa in the window, decides to buy it on a whim. He brings the creature home, and names him Kaatan. He's never owned a kappa before, so he relies heavily on a book he purchased on the subject of raising and training kappa. The book gives several good tips for bringing up a smart and well behaved kappa, and it all seems very simple. Unfortunately, putting these techniques into practice and actually making them work is not quite as easy as the book implies. Kaatan seems to understand things at first, but usually ends up either forgetting what he's learned, or isn't interested in learning in the first place. However, this particular young man has a lot of patience, and continues his possibly fruitless effort to raise Kaatan into a pet he can be proud of.