Battle Castle is an action documentary TV series co-produced by Parallax Film Productions Inc. with London-based Ballista Media Inc. It explores the medieval arms race reflected in castle construction in the Middle Ages and, using location filming, re-enactments and CGI reconstruction, tells the stories of six castles tested by siege. Hosted by Dan Snow, the series has aired on History Television, SBS Australia and most recently, Discovery UK.
This is a story of greatness - the story of how a man, matched to a moment in history, becomes a giant. For Winston Churchill, the war made the difference. And what a difference it made.
The Search For Answers.Join Britain’s most renowned UFO investigator (Philip Mantle) as he recounts his lifelong investigation into the greatest paranormal mystery of all time, the UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico and the highly controversial Alien Autopsy film. Witness passion turn into obsession in his search for answers.
Follow the real-life drama on America’s greatest waterway, the Mississippi River, and the extraordinary lives of the modern-day “Huck Finns” whose very existence is dependent on the river.