Kaanch Ke Rishte is a television drama series airing on DD National, based on the story of a retired journalist & his wife. The series premiered on March 29, 2009 & airs every Sunday at 9:30pm IST. It is directed by Arshad Khan, written by Nawaab Arzoo and the supervising producer & the creative director of this show is Tariq Mohammad.
Piya Ka Aangan is a drama series based on the story of Shlok and Swati falling in love. Swati was initially married to Shlok's elder brother Sameer, who was killed by the main antagonist Vicky Bajaj. Due to circumstances Shlok had to marry Swati without her consent to save her from Vicky Bajaj. The story deals with how they fall in love with each other and how they face their families. The series premiered on February 16, 2009 & airs every Monday - Friday at 12pm noon IST.
Kalpana is an Indian television series of DD National channel, based on the story of a girl who supports her family, especially her drunkard father through her talent of singing. The series airs every Monday at 9pm IST. Besides, the series is noted as one of the popular television shows of Doordarshan network, and has received 4.22 TVR rating from its third episode.
Chunauti was a hit television series in India in the 1980s. This marked the debut of many actors, such as Suchitra Krishnamurthy & many others.
Chunauti meaning Challenge was aired on Doordarshan in 22 episodes each about 25 minutes in Hindi.
Singhasan Battisi is a famous Indian folk literary work. An Indian television series named Singhasan Battisi was created based on it, that aired on DD National channel, based on the story of the throne of Raja Vikramaditya, which has 32 statues of angels on it. The television series is based on an ancient collection of tales. Singhasan means Throne and Battissi is a word derived from the number battis which is thirty-two. So, this is the story of thirty-two statues of Angels on the throne of King Vikramaditya.
Chamatkari Telephone was an Indian animated television series that aired on DD National channel in early 90s. The title song was: "Sally, Meg and Jonathan, muskano ka baatein dhan..pyar bhara unka Telephone..Chamatkari Telephone.........'
Kahan Gaye Woh Log is an Indian television series that aired on Doordarshan network's national channel, DD National in 1985. The series is based on the theme of Patriotism, and tells the story of people fighting for their nation, India, who have sacrificed their future for future of other Indians living in India. The title itself reflects the meaning i.e. 'Where are the Patriots?' A serial full of patriotism is said to have started the 'Golden Era' of Patriotic TV Serials. The serial received overwhelming response since the beginning. This serial was awarded 'Aadhaarshila Award' for Best Patriotic Serial which was given by of then Vice President of India Mr. Shankar Dayal Sharma. Manoj Kumar also played a major role in the success of this serial.
Ehsaas - Kahani Ek Ghar Ki is a Hindi serial that was launched on DD National channel in India, and currently airs on TV Asia channel in USA. It is the story of people who don’t believe in only “ life, but also feeling” the life.
Kahkashan is an Indian television series about six great masters of modern Urdu and Islamic poetry: Hasrat Mohani, Jigar Moradabadi, Josh Malihabadi, Majaz Lucknawi, Firaq Gorakhpuri, and Makhdoom Mohiuddin. The serial was produced, researched and scripted by Ali Sardar Jafri and directed by Jalal Agha and telecast in 1991- 1992. Music was scored by Jagjit Singh, the famous ghazal singer of India. The series was also shown on TV Asia channel USA in 2006.
Kuch Reh Jeewiyal Pall is a popular Indian drama-series aired on DD National, which was later dubbed in Sindhi. It is proved to be a very popular drama amongst Sindhi speaking audience worldwide.It make records of popularity and TRPs in Pakistan,which were broken by Kyunki saas bhi kabhi bahu thi, Kahaani ghar ghar ki,Kasauti zindagi ki,Kahin to hoga, Kaun banega crorepati. The story revolves around rivalry between two sisters.
This show started with telecast of 3 episodes a week, but due to a high public demand the telecast was increased from 3 to 5 episodes a week.
It airs from Wednesday to Sunday, 9:20pm Pakistan time on Kawish Television Network. It also has repeats during the week.