Canimals is a South Korean computer-animated television series by Voozclub Co., Ltd. The main characters are Ato, Mimi, Uly, Fizzy, Nia, Oz, Pow, Toki, and Leon. Internationally, the series has aired on UK through Aardman and worldwide through BRB Internacional.
There is a magical land called Cozy Land where live the cute Bunny, the smart Cro, the cheery Elo, the friendly Annie, the sleepyhead Oliver, and the kindhearted dragon Dibo who has special ability to make a gift that is always the perfect solution.
The great nature that embraces the mysterious secrets. How much do we know about the animals and their ecosystem? An insect on thornbush, trembling leaves , slippery sand trap – unpredictable things happen in our everyday lives.
The remarkable activities of ‘The Forest Detectives’ - passionate Peet, cursory Baba and clumsy Molly - make on-the-spot survey on animals, plants and insects, collect evidences and investigate. They are sometimes entrapped and are trailed by horrid animals, but ‘The Forest Dectectives’ never give up. 'PEET, the Forest Detective' is a docuanimation with vivid real scenes and 3D characters of fun and easy learning for children!
Tayo and the little buses get caught in between the battle of wizards in the human world, the evil wizards disappear with lttle buses. Tayo, who is left alone, travel to the magical world with Carly, Bird, and Gray. There, Tayo meets a little wizard named Luna and together, they enter the magic school to learn magic to save his friends. Join Tayo on a magical adventure in a new world!
A guided tour of the history of numbers and how they’ve shaped the development of humankind is at the heart of this unique series. In five episodes that take us across time and around the world, we see how mathematics played an important role in ancient Egypt and Greece, early India, medieval Europe, and our own modern world. Computer graphics make mathematical formulae accessible and interesting, while dramatic reenactments of history pique the viewer’s interest.
In the quiet village of QuaQua, live submarine-like creatures that have built a wonderful and intricate community. Bubble Marin promises adventures as deep as the ocean and as wide as the sea.
Justice is the first Harvard course to be made freely available online and on public television. In this 12-part series, college professor Michael Sandel challenges us with hard moral dilemmas and invites us to ponder the right thing to do—in politics and in our everyday lives.