Follows the downfall of a high society girl named Pimlapas, whose life starts out rosy. She is a daughter of a wealthy man, she has a great boyfriend, and she is a well-known supermodel. But one day, she loses everything. Her boyfriend dumps her, her father dies, and her stepmother swindled all his wealth. In a blink of an eye, Pimlapas is penniless and an orphan. During her desperate situation, she is contacted by a mysterious person, they give her an offer she can't refuse. Pimlapas is assigned to penetrated a high-end hotel owned by Ramet to steal important documents in exchange for a truck load of money.
Raya who comes from an aristocratic family was married to womanizer Phraya Wisut. She seems to be a saint who is kind and giving but is actually evil and merciless. When she finds a new girl who has caught the attention of her husband, she plans to get rid of the other wife, Juan, who was born as a slave in Wisut house.
The Comedian Thailand is a 24-hour Reality show based on teaching contestants the art of comedy; a combination of Thai cultural background and modern comedy makes the program undeniably unique. One of the most challenging forms of entertainment is creating laughter. The program aims to prove that not all comedians are born to be, and that one can actually be taught. In order to prove this theory, “The Comedian Thailand”, Thailand’s first ever “Comedy-Reality-Contest-Show” came to life, to find “The Ultimate Entertainer”, who can sing, dance and create laughter.
Pithi Panapong's (Paul) biggest frustration is his own mother, khunying Chawpraka, who is desperately trying to get him to marry the woman she approves of. Khunying Chawpraka's disappointment is her eldest son, who got married while he was overseas with a foreigner named Rebecca. She swore to herself that she would never let another son of hers marry another foreigner. Thus, she decided that her youngest son should marry someone who is most suited to the family's status, a socialite named Sarutha. Little did khunying Chawpraka know that Pithi had already been seeing someone while studying abroad.