This two-part drama examines the fate of the generation of Germans which came of age after World War II. The first part, "Arcadia," depicts the generational gap between 1950s teenagers and their parents, while the second part, "Injuries," shows this same group of characters twenty years later as they have grown up to become dysfunctional and suicidal adults. Regarded as the most significant of Michael Haneke’s early works, "Lemmings" contains incipient treatments of many of the themes he would later elaborate on in his theatrical features.
Arme Millionäre is an Austro-German comedy-drama television film series first aired on RTL on 22 August 2005. 12 episodes were aired between then and 2006. The series is about a billionaire family who suddenly find themselves poor.
A family, blessed with richness and power, is desperately seeking for a liver for their father, who wants to hand down his wealth to the one who gets the organ.
Sport am Sonntag is a sports program by Austrian Broadcasting Corporation ORF, which is broadcast weekly from the ORF sports studio in Vienna or sometimes on site at sporting events.
The magazine mainly devotes its broadcast time to current topics from the Austrian sports world. The main focus is on reports and interviews from the main domestic sports such as skiing, but articles about fringe sports are also broadcast.