Shaky Ground is a TV sitcom created by Bob Keyes, Chip Keyes & Doug Keyes, which starred Matt Frewer as Bob Moody, a hapless, but supportive and caring father. Robin Riker played his wife and Matthew Brooks, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Bradley Pierce played their children. The show aired on FOX for the 1992-1993 season.
Unan1mous is an American reality television program that premiered on the Fox Network on March 22, 2006 and ran for one season. The host of the series was J. D. Roth.
Cedric the Entertainer Presents was an American sketch comedy television series starring Cedric the Entertainer. The series premiered September 18, 2002 on Fox and after the first season, Fox renewed the show for a second season but right before the show aired its second season, Fox canceled the show. The show did get released on DVD. Reruns of the show currently air on TV One.
South Central is an American comedy-drama series that aired on the Fox network from April 5, 1994 to June 7, 1994. It was cancelled following its first season, and the airing of only 10 episodes.
If you thought Dancing with the Stars was entertaining, just take a look at Skating with Celebrities, FOX's new reality competition which pits six professional figure skaters with six celebrities, whom have little to no skill in the sport. The pairs must face the challenge of learning new routines that test their artistic and athletic abilities. The pressure is on as the teams compete in front of a panel of judges including Olympic gold medalist and world figure skating champion Dorothy Hamill. Lending their choreography expertise are five-time U.S. National ice dance champion and Emmy Award-winning choreographer Michael Seibert, U.S. and world figure skating champion and director/choreographer Randy Gardner, and three-time U.S. ice dance champion Renee Roca. Serving as host is Olympic gold medalist and world champion figure skater Scott Hamilton.
The Swan is a 2004 American reality television program broadcast on Fox in which women who were judged to be ugly were given "extreme makeovers" that included several forms of plastic surgery. The title of the series refers to the fairy tale The Ugly Duckling, in which a homely bird matures into a swan.
Each contestant was assigned a panel of specialists – a coach, therapist, trainer, cosmetic surgeons, and a dentist – who together designed a program of total transformation. The contestants' work ethic, growth, and achievement was monitored over the course of three months. Each week, two women were featured, and at the episode's conclusion, one went home while another was selected to move to compete in the Swan pageant at the end of the season for a chance to be deemed The Swan.
The first two seasons both aired in 2004. A third season was tipped to happen, but the show was cancelled in early 2005 after ratings continued to drop.
The plastic surgeons on the team were chosen for their ability to perfor
Love Cruise was an American reality TV show broadcast on Fox in 2001.
The show featured 16 singles competing for a $250,000 prize. The original premiere date of the show was September 11, 2001 but was pre-empted from its intended broadcast by the news coverage of the 9/11 attacks.
For the past six months, New York pharmaceutical copywriter Gavin and Pennsylvania-based printing press employee Stacey have been flirting online and finally agree to meet... with their best friends in tow for double-date safety. Stacey's long-distance romance unnerves her family, who fears she might fall in love and move away to the big city. It's complicated enough trying to make a relationship work, but the biggest complications of all are the friends and family who are part of the package deal.
Buffy the Animated Series is an animated television series concept based on Buffy the Vampire Slayer created by Joss Whedon. Initially greenlit by 20th Century Fox in 2002, it went ultimately unproduced and unaired when no network was willing to buy the series. The series would have taken place in the middle of Buffy season 1, as writer Jeph Loeb described the continuity as "Episode 7.5".
Whedon and Loeb would later revisit the style of the series in the Season Eight comic story "After These Messages... We'll Be Right Back!".
Real life hip hop recording artists Method Man and Redman play themselves as they move into a comfortable luxury estate from the success of their recording albums and acting gigs and then try to fit in with the uptight, predominately Caucasian community whom try to evict them for their wild party gatherings while gaining admiration from a handful of neighbor eccentrics including the young son of their real estate agent whom live just next door.
An American reality TV series that deals with police videos from across the world. Video footage of car chases, subsequent arrests, robberies, riots and other crimes appears on the show.
Celebrity contestants shake their tail feathers while covered from head-to-toe in elaborate costumes and face masks, leaving audiences to guess their identities.