La Venganza, is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by the United States-based television network Telemundo and RTI Colombia. This limited-run series ran for 127 episodes from November 4, 2002 to May 16, 2003. The soap opera was starred by Gabriela Spanic, José Ángel Llamas and Catherine Siachoque.
Anita, no te rajes is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by the American-based television network Telemundo. It stars Ivonne Montero, Jorge Enrique Abello and Natalia Streignard. Written by Valentina Parraga, directed by David Posada and Danny Gaviria; with Martha Godoy and Mary-Kathryn Kennedy as General Producer and Aurelio Valcarcel Carrol as Executive Producer.This telenovela was aired in 10 countries around the world.
Although the novela was set in Los Angeles, Telemundo filmed the serial in Miami, Fl. Through [sometimes not so] careful editing it was made to appear as Los Angeles. The network debuted it on September 13, 2004 to April 4, 2005 at the 7 pm timeslot. Telemundo added English subtitles as closed captions on CC3.
Carlos Martínez is an undocumented Mexican who lives in Los Angeles. He is an honest and hardworking man who has the constant fear of being deported and losing his two sons: Luís and Rodrigo. His great dream has been to give them a better life, but his desire is overshadowed when his eldest son, Rodrigo, disappears without a trace and joins a gang. Meanwhile, Carlos will try to protect and keep Luís away from the dangerous networks that plague the city. In his desperate attempt to take care of him he will meet Adela, a gang member who will steal his heart.
Rosa is abandoned as a baby at a boarding school along with a payment of 18 white diamonds. Her mother is Rosaura Sotomayor, a distinguished socialite who needs to hide the fruit of her affair. Rosa grows up and befriends Eva Sotomayor, and both girls vow to live as sisters. Their lives change after they meet José Ignacio Altamirano, an attractive, intelligent and conquering man who takes advantage of Eva’s innocence. The rich heiress dies in a mysterious accident, and Rosa decides to take her identity to avenge her dear friend.
Caso Cerrado, formerly Sala de Parejas, is a Spanish-language court show broadcast by Telemundo in which Cuban-born lawyer Ana María Polo arbitrates cases for volunteer participants.
Amores De Mercado is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by the United States-based television network Telemundo and RTI Colombia. This limited-run series ran for 125 episodes from June 14, 2006 to January 12, 2007. It aired in Europe and the Middle East on Zone Romantica.
This show was retitled simply Amores in mid-run. Head writer Basilio Alvarez was replaced by Eric Vonn and the storylines and characters went in a new direction. When Telemundo reaired the show in daytime in 2009, the shorter title was used for the entire series. BTV started to air this telenovela on November 22, 2006 in Bulgaria.
When his spoiled family forgets his birthday, hardworking and generous successful executive Antonio decides to cut them off unless they work for their money.
Amarte así, aka Frijolito, is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by the American-based television network Telemundo. It stars Litzy, Mauricio Ochmann, Roberto Mateos, and Carla Peterson. It was written by Enrique Torres, directed by Heriberto Lopez de Anda, Cristina Palacios, Hugo A. Moser; with Cristina Palacios as General Producer. The network debuted it on April 5, 2005, at the 7 pm timeslot. Telemundo provided both Spanish and English captions on CC1 and CC 3.This telenovela was aired in 20 countries around the world.
In Haiti, the telenovela was a big success in January 2010 and was shown at 5PM. With typical Haitian humour, some say that Frijolito killed many people as the earthquake that shattered the island nation on January 12, 2010 occurred right before 5PM.
The Mendez family owns a cattle farm, breeding horses and bulls of Lydia and a construction company. The family is composed of Alejandro Méndez and Isabel Garrido, with his sons Pablo and Helena.Félix Garrido, the Isabel's father also lives with them. The Mendez family is very respected and beloved in the region, although they have a declared enemy, Milciades Contreras, a wealthy cattle rancher, who is also its nearest neighbour. The reason for the enmity with Milciades is due to that it was always in love with Elizabeth, who refused and preferred to Alejandro. Since then, Milciades has dedicated to commit all kinds of outrages in the people and also against the Méndez, who have remained on the sidelines to promote peace.