The comedy-drama Guru is the story about the life coach Andreas Mertz (Simon Kvamm) who returns home to his childhood city Silkeborg to give the Silkeborgeners the courage to take their fate into their own hands. With his intense coaching programme "Go by yourself" and the release of his book "The Silkeborg Road", we follow the self-appointed super coach in his mission to transform the citizens of Silkeborg, and especially his old childhood friend, Ralph.
The main feature of OBLS are the group of homosexual men and women, all Danes, who talk openly about their lives as homosexuals. Topics vary from coming-out stories to political discussions. The discussions are inspired by on-screen stats from a poll among 1600 Danish homosexuals. In addition, various sketches are performed, including lesbian-stereotype figure Alex and hairdressers Bjørn and Benny. Each episode closes with an ABBA lipsync performance by a special guest.