In the online documentary series Labels, VRT NWS reporter Yassine Atari (23) visit young people who get a "label". Yassine talks with them about the prejudices, clichés, and labels. Yassine finds out what drives them, what makes them happy, what makes them sad.
Ender Scholtens and his friends Ilias and Willy make a road trip through Flanders in which everything they do or don't do is determined by... a bingo game.
Is taking the pill bad and why? Can something go wrong with a menstrual cup? And why do you have pain in your lower back during your period? Bloedserius gives an honest and clear answer to all these questions. This four-part series allows young, famous women to experience their periods up close for a month. Sometimes in pain and confined to the bed, sometimes with awkward situations. But above all: always 100% honest.