Li Chuchu, a young woman from a noble family who has been oppressed for years, discovers that her mother’s death was not accidental. Determined to seek justice, she embarks on a mission to uncover the truth. Along the way, she becomes entangled in a complex relationship with her legitimate brother, Li Zhen, as they both wrestle with love, revenge, and their search for justice.
After her mother falls into a coma and her gambler father tries to seize the family fortune, Gu An'an agrees to marry Huo Siwen to protect her inheritance. However, she meets Huo Siting, the overlooked second son, and as they form an alliance, a forbidden romance quietly unfolds.
Three couples in Beijing facing major life changes: Shen Lin and Lao Na grapple with a company crisis threatening their middle-class stability, while Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei, and Na Jun, along with Xie Meilan whose marriage is faltering, confront their own personal and professional challenges.