"Block B - Under Arrest" is the story of Bea Kroeger, who is charged with attempted murder of her husband. During the pre-trial detention in the prison Tempelhof they must fight for their place in the pecking order among the inmates perforce. As a rookie experienced Bea - and with it the audience - the hardships of prison life and learns the hard way that there are other rules apply as in the outside world. Faster than you would like, Bea must realize that the only person she can trust while in custody, but she herself is.
In the German version of the Japanese original show "Sasuke", the candidates have to overcome four obstacle courses. At the start there are initially 100 participants, both hobby athletes and professional athletes, who have to complete the first course over water basins individually and one after the other. Strength, agility and stamina are helpful here, because those who are not fast enough or come into contact with the water are eliminated. For the German audience, a complete run is divided into several shows until the best participant is chosen as the "Ninja Warrior".
A German game show where two contestants battle each other to win 50000 Euros. The winner also gets to be on the next show and have another chance to win against a new rival.