On Tuesday, 50 Cent posted on social media to confirm a TMZ report that he has sold a multi-part documentary about Combs’ legal troubles to Netflix. Combs is currently named in six civil lawsuits, accusing him of a range of sexual misconduct and other illegal activity, the latest of which was filed Tuesday.
The story of how a family's world is turned upside down when 13-year-old Jamie Miller is arrested and charged with the murder of a teenage girl who goes to his school.
In the farmlands of the Salinas Valley in California, successive generations of two families, the Trasks and the Hamiltons, are destined to reenact the fateful story of Cain and Abel.
People who just died first visit the death office. There, the final destinations of the deceased, who died for various reasons including suicide, murder and disease, are decided. Shimura works at the death office.
Talented home cooks put their skills and creativity to the test making fast and easy dishes that are wildly delicious — and worthy of a big cash prize.
Hasmukh operates a small IT Consulting company "Shree Ganesh Computers Limited Inc" in Queens, NY. Staffed by a disinterested and lazy cast of characters, his business flounders. His home life is not much better. His wife Dimple, a frustrated and jobless artist, complains constantly about not having enough time to explore her creativity because of the demands of taking care of her dog, Bobby. Hasmukh tries desperately to balance his work and family, but neither seem to have his best interest at heart.