Suidooster is a South African television soap opera produced by Suidooster Films which revolves around a matriarch, her family, friends and the people of Suidooster, a small shopping and business centre in the fictional Cape Town suburb of Ruiterbosch.
The town is shocked with a brutal double murder. The "Courier" hands the case to an experienced journalist - Witold Wanycz. At the same time, he learns about the mysterious suicide of two teenagers. Together with Piotr, a young journalist, they start their own investigation.
The unit specializes in the investigation of serial murders and is led by Van der Bijl, a former murder and robbery detective who gained fame for his handling of several high-profile cases. Each episode focuses on a serial killer. The main character, Colonel Piet van der Bijl, also known as Die Byl, is loosely modeled on the famous ex-detective Piet Byleveld.
An edgy, youthful and urban Afrikaans drama that follows four females as they navigate the complicated world of university life and how they walk the thin line between mischief and wrongdoing to survive.
A South African, Afrikaans-language comedy series which evolves after a freak accident sets a wedding planner on an unexpected path. Together with her friends she navigates life and love while wondering if the perfect person, and day, really exists.
Buckle up for an exhilarating rollercoaster ride through the world of authentic teenage drama, family conflicts, love, aspirations and fierce rivalries. An adaption based on Louise van Niekerk's gripping coming-of-age book series.
Three story strands are interwoven into a sophisticated action-packed thriller that covers the length and breadth of South Africa, explosively colliding in Cape Town in a violent conspiracy involving organized crime, smuggled diamonds, state security, Black Rhinos, the CIA and an international terrorist plot.
The Real Housewives of Durban (abbreviated RHODurban) is a South African reality television series that focuses on the personal and professional lives of several women living in Durban, South Africa.
When Cape Town housewife discovers evidence her husband is having an affair with a stripper, her investigation takes her to a world poles apart from the suburban utopia she knows.
Set in an Eastern Cape farming community, the story follows Yola who returns home from Chile for her father's funeral, only to be met by the ghosts of her past.
Follow South Africa’s first forensic and investigative psychologist, Micki Pistorius (played by Charlotte Hope), as she studies the minds of South Africa's serial killers. Catch Me A Killer is an adaptation of Micki's autobiography that details her work as the first female criminal profiler in the country, which is brought to life as the events are depicted in the series.
When the bodies of six children are found in the backwater forests of Donkerbos, Limpopo, an ostracised detective must wrestle with her dark past, her family and a distrustful community to catch the killer before another child is taken.
Four varsity friends, whose strong bond has held them together even as their journeys in life have taken them in very different directions. As they try to find love and success in Johannesburg after university.