The show explores various niche interests and hobbies of teenagers. It welcomes passionate individuals called “Hamatta-san,” who share their passion for these topics, display their unique skills, and participate in collaborative challenges.
About a salaryman who is about to be retrenched and to make things worse, his family walks out on him. He is given a chance to reverse his fortune when he is sent to help a struggling ballet company financed by his company so that their year-end performance "Swan Lake" can be a success despite knowing nothing about ballet.
“Eurasia” represents a spectacular adventure, a visual conquest of the East in 8 films.
A magical voyage through time and space, exploring the history, culture and religions that link East and West: from the Persian Empire of Alexander the Great to the huge Mongolian Empire of Kublai Khan, the destinies of highly developed civilizations intermingled until they converged to take the shape of a Eurasian civilization shared by all of us.
Babylon, Persepolis, Ai-Khanoum, Baghdad, Rome…are virtually recreated with incomparable realism by computer generated images.
Set up as a detective agency, with Jiro Sato playing the lead investigator role, this program explores Japanese history events, personas, and mysteries through on-site inspections, latest scientific discoveries, as well as experiments and simulations.
The story is set in Edo's Fukagawa district, where the heroine, Oichi, dreams of becoming a doctor and assists her father, a physician named Shōan. Oichi possesses a special ability: she can hear the "voices" and see the "figures" of those who have passed away with unresolved regrets. With a cheerful and positive outlook, Oichi, together with a local police chief, delves into the darkness of human nature, solving mysteries along the way. While the story offers the thrill of a period mystery with unexpected culprits, it is also a coming-of-age tale of Oichi as she struggles and ultimately carves out her own path using her unique powers.
In 1976, "NHK Special Feature," which pursued the possibilities of television with a focus on "experimental" and "scoop" approaches, was launched. Over 13 years, 1378 episodes were produced. Carefully selected pieces are brought back as vivid images using the latest digital technology.
A picture book collection shot by NHK showing the great treasure kept at the world famous Palace Museum in Beijing and Taiwan. Included in this documentary are the footages shot in Hi-Vision mode that was not aired by NHK, showing China's five thousand years of history, ceramics, books, paintings, heritage of the emperor.
Latest research has revealed that first mammals and first dinosaurs appeared on earth at about the same time and that the ancestral mammals underwent dramatic evolution while challenging the dinosaurs. It was these struggles that created the basic nature of all present mammals, including humans.
Each episode of this Japanese series visits a different city around the world. The unseen narrator explores on foot, occasionally stopping to admire a tourist attraction or to talk to local people, and gives a walking commentary about where he or she currently is and the sights surrounding him or her. Each episode shoots over a single day. The program's English edition (broadcast on NHK World) dubs the original Japanese narration.