Treasure Island in Outer Space is a 1987 science fiction Italian and German television miniseries directed by Antonio Margheriti. It is based on the novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, setting the story in space on the year 2300. The series was produced by RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana in co-production with West Germany and France, and directed by Anthony M. Dawson. It is the biggest sci-fi production of Italian television. The miniseries of 5 episodes of 100 min was originally aired in Italy from November 19, 1987 on RAI Due channel. It was also adapted as a 120 min film. The miniseries is also known as Space Island (UK and Norway, USA on VHS) and Der Schatz im All (Germany).
In March 1917, amidst World War I, a sealed train carries Russian revolutionaries, led by Lenin, from Germany to St. Petersburg. Along the journey, political tensions and personal dramas unfold, culminating in a historic arrival.
A serial killer targets a rich family that owns a banking group and kills them through an astrological ritual scheme. He leaves behind mysterious messages from Nostradamus, which he signs with the symbol of the zodiac. It will be the illegitimate daughter of the head of the family, Ester -- with the help of a skeptical commissioner -- to unravel the mystery, untangling herself in a dense web of intrigues that hide behind the powerful and respectable family.