Sequester is an online reality game show hosted by the ominous being, SequesterBot. In SequesterBot's game, 20 people come together to compete in competitions, strategize, and vote each other out until only 1 winner remains. Sequester's original inception was developed online in 2016 and has since transcended into a live-action phenomenon.
Welcome to Crash Course Study Skills! Over the next 10 weeks, Thomas Frank is going to help you learn to be a better student. We'll go over study tips, note taking, getting organized, and so much more!
Five webisodes peeling back the layers on one of the biggest names in sport as told by the nine-times world champion himself and those in his inner circle. See Valentino bossing his vast VR|46 business empire with the same character and enthusiasm as his factory M1 Yamaha, listen to friends dissect the reasoning behind his vast appeal and re-live some of his era-defining antics in MotoGP.
This series tells the story of two young men who work together and and their allie Shyam Kandithara they intends to construct a turf and Things take a turn when they set out to buy a place.