Factor X Chile is a television show, adapted from the original UK show as part of The X Factor franchise. The auditions were in January 2011. The first season of the Chilean version was premiered on television in March 3, 2011. It will be hosted by Julian Elfenbein, the same host of the other recent successful talent show Talento Chileno, the Chilean versión of the Got Talent franchise. It is the second version of this format made in Latin America, but the first to meet the new requirements of the franchise in the level of production. The judges for the first series of the show are Zeta Bosio, Karen Doggenweiler and Tito Beltrán, with various guest judges. The first season aired on Thursday and Sunday, starting on March 3, 2011 in TVN.
Sixteen contestants are put into different scare games to test their bravery, courage and self-control. Locked up in the former San José Hospital, located next to the General Cemetery of Santiago.
Documentary series that invites renowned personalities to live an unique experience, traveling to Mapuche territory in the La Araucanía region, to learn about their culture and traditions.
This was a man. He lived with his mother. He cared a manor house in the countryside of Chile. One day the man found a bone in the garden. The bone was bored. That was a bone flute. The man with the flute music play. And music song became. The voice of the song begging to seek the other bones of his scattered body. The man and his mother were in those ways of God and hell, looking for the bones that make up the skeleton of that Christian. And give him a Christian burial. And they saw what they saw, they lived what they lived. Many stories lived. And although they did not tell anyone, others told them.
A charity telethon which aim was to raise money to help those affected by the 2010 Chile earthquake that struck the central-southern Chile on 27 February of that year.