A six-part documentary series about the least known events of World War II. The series reveal a little-known picture and countless unknown details of the events of World War II in the north.
The series follows the lives of Juha "Juhis" Koski and Tommi Mäkinen-Renwall as neighbours. The men drift too far in their everyday challenges that lead to excessive outcomes. Unwillingly, Tommi and Juhis often find themselves in awkward and embarrassing situations where they are forced to choose one of two bad options. Tommi's wife and Juhis' good friend Harriet does her best to understand the men's antics.
The life of Aki Honkala, a blindly dedicated Member of the European Parliament, takes a radical turn during one scandal-plagued election night. The fall from grace is no surprise to anyone but himself. The people have spoken, let the chatter go - but what remains of a man who has lived and breathed politics for most of his adult life?
A satirical spy comedy. Aleksis Nyqvist, an intern at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is pushed to the head of Finland's newly founded secret service, when a suitable dummy is needed for the position. However, Nyqvist identifies with his role too well and accidentally causes a security political crisis - and soon Helsinki is swarming with secret agents. How is Nyqvist doing?
A journalist traces a microchip found in baby food. A bank manager's mistake ensnares her in a much larger scheme. A family falls apart after the father goes missing. An insurance examiner investigates what happened to a border control veterinarian. This suspenseful Nordic noir drama enters the world of international money laundering through the stories of ordinary people caught up in the crimes.
After Janne suddenly disappears while taking out the trash, the police tell Heta there’s nothing they can do - a person has every right to go missing if there is no sign of a crime. Troubled, she begins searching for and finds only one clue: it seems Janne had undergone Koistinen’s radical divorce therapy for men.
When a successful businessman is rushed to hospital after suffering a massive stroke, a decades-long double life is revealed: two women appear at his bedside claiming to be his wife and the mother of his child.