The series follows the adventures of a curious 8-year-old girl named TZ who always dreamed of going on adventures and exploring wonderful places, and then one day she finds an odd-looking sock in her mother’s laundry that…. Talks. It was originally a Kung Fu Master from another world charged with guarding an ancient scroll. When the Master came through a vortex into TZ’s time, his powers were weakened, and he was transformed into a sock. However, when the little girl puts the sock on her foot she transforms into a super heroine – a kick-ass Kung Fu girl, and together they must complete Kung Fu Wa’s mission and follow the ancient scroll to defeat evil and protect their world.
“FriendZSpace” is about three best friends, Alice, Leo and Kim who may seem like regular human kids, but behind their normal facade they are risk-taking deep space friend makers! Each episode follows the three kids as they jet into space in their unpredictable star cruiser, “The Dart”. Accompanied by BotDog (half puppy and half high-tech Swiss army knife) their mission is simple and wonderfully weird: locate planets, find alien kids, introduce themselves, and make friends.
Welcome to Kangaroo Beach, a sun-soaked seaside paradise, populated by a kooky cast of colourful animals. This seemingly idyllic haven is never far from peril, but beachgoers are safe, thanks to the courageous lifesavers on patrol.
Members of the Sparks' Crew -- Lucita Sky, AJ Gadgets, Sara Snap and Benny Bubbles -- work with their teacher, Mr. Sparks, to help people and solve problems.
Two very different friends – Lupi – a maned wolf, super confident and full of energy, and Baduki – a dreamy and introverted sloth – embark on adventures while learning about differences, friendship and the world. In fact, everyone in Vila Figueira has many differences between them… but that doesn’t stop them from being friends and having fun!
It follows Pinocchio's adventures in the Enchanted Village with his friends. Their group includes an ogress' daughter, the offspring of an elf, Sleeping Beauty's daughter, Prince Charming's son, and the Big Bad Wolf's son.
The story of bookshop owner, Dog and his best friend, Pug. Whenever they have a problem or a question, they look for the answer in one of their beloved books.