This world is actually run by people sitting and working in their cubicles. This is a story of Piyush Prajapati, a 22 year old, fresh out of college and recruited like most of his batch-mates into an Indian IT company. From the time he gets his first salary, working weekends, work-life balance, a little bit of heart to all kinds of highs and lows, the show follows many firsts and chronicles the life of Piyush, a typical Indian first jobber and the people around him.
Get ready for a rollercoaster ride as comedians present sketches, gags, roasts, spoofs and stand-up acts. Along with comedy champion Huma Qureshi and hosted by Harsh Gujral, 'Madness Machayenge' features Snehil, Ankita Shrivastav, Paritosh Tripathi, Kushal Badrike, Inder Sahni, Gaurav Dubey and Kettan Singh.
A political drama set in Bihar of 1990's, this story shows how an illiterate woman handles the state as Chief Minister. Rani Bharti's life takes an interesting turn when her husband Bheem Singh Bharti, announces her as the next chief minister of Bihar. With casteism and traditional satraps in the background, will Rani survive this turn of events?
Enter Maya Ahuja's twisted world of truth and lies. She navigated her childhood with the bubbly blabbermouth Bulbul and her college life with the unapologetic hustler Mayo. Today, Maya Ahuja is a feisty but manipulative lawyer with a sassy sense of humour and a warped perspective who will stop at nothing to make it big.
Kabir, a special task force veteran, is brought out of retirement to hunt down an enemy, Umar Riaz, he thought he had neutralised but is still alive. He, along with a reassembled special task force, decides to infiltrate Umar's brother's wedding after learning that Umar would be in attendance. However, when things do not go as planned, Kabir and his team must give their all to ensure the dangerous man is caught.
Always around but never seen, these unsung protectors of the nation are continuously working towards India’s protection behind the façade of being common folks. Starring Divyanka Tripathi and Eijaz Khan, ‘Adrishyam – The Invisible Heroes’ is the story of IB47, a premier intelligence agency in India whose members are fighting the never-ending war on terror and protecting the nation while balancing their personal lives and keeping their identities secret.
An esteemed judge who forgoes his moralities and relationships and goes on to undermine ethics in order to save his son who gets involved in a hit and run case.
A rich man dead, a town full of suspects, narratives filled with lies and an innocent convict. How will Charlie navigate through the mystery when every face hides a secret?
Show depicts the two aspects of the society - the power-drunk influential people who think they can get away with anything and the oppressed, subjected to years of torture, who finally decide to bring themselves to justice
In the small town of Jehanabad, where innocent love, in the form of a young independent college student and her professor, and intense violence, with the arrival of a seasoned Naxal commander and an ex-MLA eyeing the Dalit vote bank, are brewing parallelly, they are bound to cross paths.
Spanning three crucial decades (1940-60s) in the history of India, the story chronicles the life of three great men responsible for launching India's space and nuclear programs respectively: Dr. Homi J. Bhabha, the architect of India's Nuclear Programme, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, universally acknowledged as the Father of the Indian Space Programme and Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the pioneer of modern Indian aerospace and nuclear technology. The season traces the journey of Bhabha and Sarabhai coming to terms with the challenges facing a young, independent nation and their friendship, sacrifice and determination.
The story revolves around the adventures of four pets: two cats named Honey and Bunny, a dog named Zoradar and a parrot named Popat, who live in a cozy house, owned by Miss Katkar. The pets always set off on fun and crazy adventures together. While they are usually sweet and well-mannered, the pets also save their town from evil men and thieves and help the good and poor people.
A sudden call brings back Priya, a financial analyst from London to Odisha. A series of strange events follow as she sets on the search for her missing father, an activist who was imprisoned for siding with an indigenous tribe. Against the backdrop of bauxite mining, unexplained deaths and displaced tribals, Priya discovers an international nexus connecting various cities and Jengaburu. Why is the small mining town of Jengaburu at the epicentre of this?
A failed entrepreneur, Manish, has a lot going on in life, personal and professional, when he finds himself involved in a case of mistaken identity and ends up getting a contract to kill a young girl, along with an advance of five lakh rupees. The target is the daughter of an influential politician, who has his eyes on the Hoshiarpur ticket. Amid the chaos, Manish, and his wife, Richa must make choices where either greed will get the better of them or they will find their lost sense of self worth.
Returning for Season 3, Baalveer, a young superhero who fights evil forces with his magical powers and protects children from harm, is unaware of his scheming superiors' plan to betray him. Stripped of his powers and identity, he leads a mundane life until an unexpected event reignites his abilities. With help from Kaashvi, a girl he partners up with, he embarks on a journey to reclaim his powers and identity while battling his enemies. Will Baalveer become the ultimate hero he once was?
Avrodh is a series of untold incidents where India was laid to a kind of siege, and had to tap into its bravest frontier heroes to investigate, save, protect and fight fearlessly for the country.
An enigmatic woman's arrival in a seemingly idyllic housing estate in Goa threatens to expose the residents' darkest secrets. As they clamour to unravel her mysteries, all their lies and hidden identities begin destroying them, culminating in absolute horror. Neha Sharma, Amruta Khanvilkar, Sharib Hashmi, Chandan Roy Sanyal, Shruti Seth, Sushant Divgikar and Purab Kohli star in the crime-thriller of a 36-day journey to the fateful moment that upends the lives of Goa’s Casa De Magnolia residents.
Inheriting a debt-ridden farming estate is hardly a dream come true, especially for a man with no direction in life. Just about having given up on the barren land, the man stumbles upon a mysterious medicinal herb. He decides to cultivate it so he can pay off the debt but ends up attracting wanted as well as some unwanted attention.