Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf is a Chinese animated television series which was created by Huang Weiming, Lin Yuting and Luo Yinggeng, and produced by Creative Power Entertaining. The show is about a group of goats living on the Green Pasture, Qing Qing Grasslands/Plains, and the story revolving around a clumsy wolf who wants to eat them. Toon Express Group owns the copyrights of the characters.
It tells about the intertwining of the career development of China's aerospace over more than 30 years and the fate of the characters. Through the organic integration of realism and art, it vividly presents the launch of China's Shenzhou manned spacecraft, the successful launch of Beidou, the moon landing of Chang'e 4, and the global network of Beidou. Covering and building China's space station and deep space exploration and other major aerospace events, by composing deep, passionate, and moving aerospace stories, inspiring astronauts in the new era on the road to build a space power and a world science and technology power, and continue to write about China's spaceflight A new chapter in career development.
Follows the adventures of Mao Zhiqiang and his friends who are all players of the popular MOBA game "League of Legends". As a group, they form a ranked team named KYA to tackle national competitions.
Xin Nan, Bei Miao, Dong Shan, Xi Zhao, and Kun Zhong are the descendants of the fire village, the water village, the wood village, the metal village, and the earth village, respectively. Their bodies contain a mysterious gene. Under the use of the Guang Ying Armor they will receive magical combat armors that have been passed down since the ancient times. With these armors, they will become the embodiment of righteousness - Yan Long Xia, the Fire Dragon Hero, Hei Xi Xia, the Black Rhinoceros Hero, Feng Ying Xia, the Wind Eagle Hero, Xue Ao Xia, the Snow Mastiff Hero, and Di Hu Xia, the Earth Tiger Hero. As these heroes, they will fight against the emperor of the darkness and his minions. To disrupt the happiness of the community, the evil ones used pollutants to create a pollution monsters that destroys the environment and the peace of the community
Two individual stories about love, the first featuring a man having to choose between a man and a woman, the second about a surfer boy and a forbidden love affair.
In the eight years of Qianlong's reign, a golden chamber bird inspection led to a catastrophic earthquake that caused disasters. It exposed the crisis of the shrinking of grain fields in Daqing.
The story of the older generation of revolutionaries who struggled hard in difficult conditions and harsh environments during the atomic bomb test in the early 1960s to realize China’s first dream of becoming a powerful country.