The Hive is a CGI animated children's television series broadcast by Playhouse Disney, Tiny Pop and CITV in February 2010. The series is of 78 episodes each of 7 minutes and 2 seasons. The show is a joint production of many companies, including DQ Entertainment, Lupus Films, Monumental Productions, Picture Production Company, Hive Enterprises and Bejuba! Entertainment.
Nursery rhymes with a magical Disney Junior makeover! Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, and Daisy are joined by favorite characters from Puppy Dog Pals, Sofia the First, Doc McStuffins, Goldie & Bear and The Lion Guard!
Henry Hugglemonster is the story of a mischievous 5-year-old monster named Henry who loves adventures, discoveries, and being with his family. Each day brings new opportunities for Henry to explore his feelings and learn important life lessons about working with others, showing kindness, and getting along with siblings. Henry finds love and support from his parents, Daddo and Momma; and his brothers and sisters, Cobby , Summer, and Ivor.
Follow 8-year-old Ariel as she and her friends embark on fun-filled, action-packed underwater adventures throughout their Caribbean-inspired fairytale kingdom and beyond.
Follows a trio of young chicken siblings—Coop, Sweetie and Little Boo—and theirretired search and rescue dog mentor, Captain Tully. Together, they team up on problem-solving adventures in their backyard to help their animal friends, while modeling what it means to be good community helpers and finding the joy in assisting others.
The series follows 5-year-old Birdy, who, with the help of her amazing teacher and new friends, uses her imagination to express her fears, excitement and joy through big Broadway-style song and dance numbers, proving that kindergarten is just like a big stage and there is nothing a good song can’t fix.
Things are about to get a little nutty as Chip and Dale set off on adventures around Hot Dog Hills in these eight exciting shorts! The dynamic duo can’t seem to stay away from trouble as they bake up BIG muffin mayhem, set sail on a fishing trip and create a mail mishap along with other misadventures. But no matter where they end up, Chip and Dale will do whatever it takes to help their Roadster Racing friends and have a laugh along the way!
Follow Mila and her stepbrother, Jordie, as they leap into a world of adventure with the help of Morphle, Mila’s magical and loyal pet who has the power to morph into whatever she imagines. The trio use their skills and smarts to keep magic pets out of mischief, solve problems and find 'magic matches' for each newcomer.
Inspired by their favorite band, The Scream Girls, Vee, Poppy and Bridget decide to form their own rock band, The Ghoul Girls. Join Demi, Gregoria and Chef Remy as they gather around the TV to watch the band let their inner ghouls rock out!
Rise Up, Sing Out, that will consist of music-based shorts full of empowering messages about noticing and celebrating differences. The shorts are geared toward preschoolers and are designed to give parents a framework to start conversations about race and equality through music and relatable kid experiences.