Karl Lagerfeld was an enigmatic figure who spent his life reinventing himself. He ruled the fashion world for decades, making history with his achievements at Chanel, Fendi and his own brand. An extraordinary personality, a fashion Stakhanovite, a tireless worker who created day and night until his last breath. A flamboyant man too, in his appearance and in his words, known for his outbursts mixing perfidy, provocation and self-deprecation. He was also an illusionist, a provocateur, a controversial icon, who used the truth - particularly about his past - to embellish his legend. But where does this determination come from? What were his inspirations and motivations? And behind his enigmatic façade - with his tight suit, ponytail and dark glasses - who really was Karl Lagerfeld?
The career of Alain Prost, four-time Formula 1 world champion, four-time runner-up and winner of 51 races, undoubtedly the greatest and best French racing driver in F1 history.
12-year-old William is destined to become the future King of England. After his father dies, William escapes from others who want to claim the throne. Living undercover with a peasant family, William soon discovers the keys to Viking legends.
Pierre, Raphael and Jules are golden boys and longtime friends. Pierre, the most flamboyant of them, is in great financial difficulty. He hid all his problems from his wife Alex. Soon Alex will, to repay the debts inherited from her husband, return to the palace Brongniart by the door, in the midst of stock market turmoil in the 90s. Flames, friendships, betrayals, insider trading, tax havens, money laundering, in a macho environment devoted to the cult of secrecy ...