Lascars is a French animated series created by Boris Dolivet, aka El Diablo, it was aired on the French channel Canal + for the first time in 1998. This series spawned two seasons, the first one in 1998 and the second in 2007, a pilot for a project of a 20 minute series, a comic and a movie. The episodes follow the mishaps of young men living in a district, the series is rife with hip-hop culture, most of the voice cast are French rappers.
Lascars shorts aired in Canada on Teletoon under the title Homiez in English.
Vernon Subutex, the unemployed former owner of legendary record shop Revolver, is evicted from his apartment. In his search for a place to stay, Vernon contacts his former friends who were involved in the music world with him in the 1990s.
Casting(s) was a French television shortcom created by Pierre Niney and Ali Marhyar, written by Ali Marhyar, Igor Gotesman and Pierre Niney, produced by Hugo Gélin for Zazi Films and broadcast on Canal+ from 2013 to 2015. The episodes revolved around actors rehearsing for different film projects for a casting director. The show also had famous guests such as Oscar winner Marion Cotillard and rappers Orelsan and Nekfeu.
The ISS, the International Space Station has gone silent. The crew is in distress. Simultaneously, a decapitated and waxed body is found on a roof in Kazakhstan. Positive identification leaves no room for doubt: the body belongs to an American astronaut currently on a mission on the ISS. A French astronaut, dismissed from the space program, and a Kazakh cop, disowned by his ranking hierarchy, set out to solve this mysterious paradox.
Valerian & Laureline must investigate a mysterious time portal in a galaxy filled with the dangerous alien species called the Vlagos after the Earth vanishes.
Hard is a French television series created and produced by Cathy Verney, airing since 9 May 2008 on Canal+ in France, and later internationally. The series focuses on the pornographic movie industry. It is part of the "New Trilogy" collection on Canal+.