Boro's adventure begins in Paris in the late twenties. As a minor employee in a photographic agency, he works for a pittance. However, thanks to his love of life, his handsome appearance and his appeal to women, he leads a varied and turbulent life. In spite of his numerous affairs, the great love of his life is his cousin, Maryika, the famous actress from Berlin. When Boro learns that Maryika is expected in Munich for the premiere of her latest film, he decides to visit her there. Boro is disappointed in his meeting with Maryika; he has to spend the night alone on the couch.
Suzanne Brunet cannot resolve herself. Her daughter, Julie, disappeared eight years ago, but Suzanne is still looking for her, everywhere. Julie would be 25 today. Is she still alive? What happened to her?
Thomas Villeneuve is a renowned surgeon. Jeanne Sarlat, a young woman recently separated. He decides to invite her to dinner. The evening seems to be going wonderfully. However, in the early morning, Jeanne claims to have been raped. Thomas, surprised by the accusations, proclaims his innocence. Who is lying? Who tells the truth? A face to face is underway and no one seems ready to give up.