Pat et Stanley is a French animated show that appears as part of the children's television programme TFou on the French network TF1. Animated by Pierre Coffin, Pat the hippopotamus and Stan the dog have appeared in 362 short episodes as well as the 26 minute movie Pat et Stanley: Le Trésor de Pit et Mortimer. Outside of France, the duo are most famous for the short clip in which Pat is seen singing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight." The clip appeared in Italy in a commercial by Ferrero's Kinder chocolates; they also produced a "Happy Hippo" shaped chocolate snack. They also appear re-voiced in English on The CW4Kids in the United States, and under two Dutch versions on Jetix in the Netherlands, and on Ketnet in Flanders. Pat and Stanley are now featured in many unofficial online videos singing English songs.
The titular Dad'X (aka Santa Claus), his elves Gadget, Gouly, Love-Love and Cruck (the head elf), his reindeer Swamollo and a fairy named Princess, aid children and animals all over the world. The wicked Striker plots to ruin their plans, ultimately seeking to replace Dad'X and reclaim the Toy Factory he was kicked out of.
The infamous cross karting race for juniors featuring 5 duos who compete on extraordinary circuits worldwide.
Luna and Loops are this season’s challengers. The strength of their friendship and their combined talents may well make the winning difference!
Discover this fun, fast paced series rooted in Sportsmanship; fair play, collaboration and surpassing oneself.
In the kingdom of Ramal, (a modern version of the 1001 Nights) where jet-powered flying carpets meet legendary beings straight out of Middle Eastern legends. Zayn is a young boy who has always dreamt of having an imago, and his wish will be granted if he can free Azrokh, an all-powerful imago who has been imprisoned in a magic lamp! But with great power comes great responsibility. Zayn and his friends (Shazemine, Zora and Bo) are about to be plunged into a super-dangerous adventure – the quest of the 21 Ultimagos – their only hope if they are to vanquish the Queen of the Shadows, their kingdom’s greatest enemy but whom they have accidentally released...
La Roue de la fortune was the French version of the popular US game show Wheel of Fortune. It was hosted by Christophe Dechavanne and Victoria Silvstedt and then by Benjamin Castaldi and 2008's Miss France, Valérie Bègue in early 2012. It aired on French television network TF1. This incarnation began in 2006 and ended in March 2012; the first ran in the late 1980s to the mid-1990s, also on TF1.