In this gripping thriller based on the novels by Finnish author Matti Rönkä, Viktor Kärppä is a former KGB agent who settles in Finland, the country of his ancestors. He tries to make a living as a private investigator and business facilitator for Russian migrants, but finds himself entangled with organized crime. He may look like a killer, but he isn't one.
Tapio, as family man is deep in debt and married to a financially irresponsible woman he cannot control. To avoid disaster, he starts doing questionable jobs for a career criminal.
The story of Jari Sillanpää, one of Finland's most loved entertainers whose journey to the dark side of fame has resulted in some very difficult questions for both him and the whole nation.
Mogadishu Avenue is a Finnish drama comedy TV series written by Jari Tervo. The series deals with the everyday life of immigrants in Finland.
The name Mogadishu Avenue comes from a nickname of various streets in eastern Helsinki, particularly the main street in Meri-Rastila, where many African immigrants live. The nickname itself comes from Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia.