La classe de 5e is a Quebec television game show which premiered on February 5, 2009 on TVA. The show, an adaptation of the U.S. game show Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?, is hosted by Québécois host and actor Charles Lafortune, who hosted L'école des fans and Le Cercle.
The grand prize in this version is C$250,000. All winnings on this version are tax free.
The slogan used by the network is "Êtes-vous plus brillant qu'un élève de 5e?", the literal translation for "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?"
The game is similar to La petite école, a weekly segment of the daily game show L'Union fait la force on Radio-Canada.
Originating from Montreal, La classe de 5e challenges Québécois contestants to prove that they are smarter than a fifth grader by answering a series of questions about a subject taught in a particular grade in a Quebec primary school, such as history, French, geography and mathematics. The set for the show is similar to the American v
La série Montréal-Québec is a Québécois reality TV show broadcast by TVA since January 24, 2010. The show, promoted as a "rivalry TV show", pits two hockey teams, one representing Montreal and the other Quebec City.